Getting new board members on board quickly

Let’s imagine for a moment that you are the president or executive director of an organization and you have just hired four new people who report directly to you. You show them to their desks, tell them when to show up each day, hand them a manual full of policies and...

Leaning Into Who You Are

At any social function, the first question you are likely asked after introducing yourself is, “What do you do?”  Your response probably begins with a job title followed by some semblance of your job description.  When we consider our role within our organization,...

RFPs: Here’s What Marketing Professionals Are Thinking

Is your nonprofit organization in need of marketing communications services to create a website, develop a strategic plan, implement a public awareness campaign, etc.? Are you required to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to formally solicit services and allow a wide...

Accessible Events

You’ve just decided to hold an event and your mind becomes flooded with the countless to dos to make the event happen. You’re wondering where to begin and what to do next. When planning events that are open to the public, make sure that your organization’s events are...

Is PR Important to Achieving Your Mission?

I have three answers to this question: yes, yes and yes.  Okay, I know what you’re thinking.  My nonprofit organization has minimal resources, a tight budget, a small staff and very little time.  But, for all these reasons, I would tell you that you MUST have a public...

Engaging Board Members

Having sat on a number of boards and counseled many more, one of the most common problems I’ve seen is lack of board member engagement. It appears as absenteeism from organization events or even board meetings, high turnover of board membership, missed deadlines and...