Is PR Important to Achieving Your Mission?

I have three answers to this question: yes, yes and yes.  Okay, I know what you’re thinking.  My nonprofit organization has minimal resources, a tight budget, a small staff and very little time.  But, for all these reasons, I would tell you that you MUST have a public...

Engaging Board Members

Having sat on a number of boards and counseled many more, one of the most common problems I’ve seen is lack of board member engagement. It appears as absenteeism from organization events or even board meetings, high turnover of board membership, missed deadlines and...

What Kind of Relationship Do You Want to Build with Reporters?

There is a lot of research out there regarding what kind of relationship public relations (PR) practitioners want to build with reporters.  Some research junkies say keep it professional while others conclude that a personal relationship is most advantageous for your...

Making your news more newsworthy

So, you are sitting at your desk and a story idea pops in your head.  You’re thinking, “I need to pitch this to the press or write a news release.”  But, before you pick up the phone or start typing away, have you really considered whether your “news” is truly...

Building Your Brand from the Inside Out

Probably one of the least understood and most overlooked aspect of branding is the idea of creating brand ambassadors in your workforce.  And yet, this is a crucial part of achieving your mission. The experience your audience has with your employees will either build...